Sunday, 29 September 2019

Our article in Mensis magazine!

We are happy to announce that our team member wrote an article about polish game market and game industry - for Mensis magazine nr 3 (59)/2019
It is available to read or download on (only in polish - sorry!)

Jest nam miło poinformować, że członek naszego zespołu napisał artykuł o branży i rynku gier video w Polsce

Artykuł: "Polski gamedev, czyli o tym jak gry znad Wisły opanowują świat"

Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z materiałem bądź z jego częścią na stronie

"Gry wideo to stosunkowo młoda gałąź rozrywki, która jednak w dość krótkim czasie przeszła od niszowej do masowej i stała się jednym z najprężniej rozwijających się rynków w sektorze przemysłu kreatywnego na świecie. Warto dodać, że polska branża produkcji gier, w przeciągu kilku ostatnich lat, wyewoluowała w jedną z bardziej znaczących gałęzi dla gospodarki naszego kraju."


Friday, 6 July 2018

Aboriginal Artwork

Hand-made reproduction of an australian aboriginal artwork - we painted it with acryl on cardboard 70 x 80 cm. Indigenous australian culture with its fascinating art and mythology is a great source of knowledge and inspirations.

Below we present one of the stories known among people of tribe Koori:

The myth about frog Tide-lek
One day Tide-lek got sick. High fever made her thirsty so she drunk all the water of the world. The springs, rivers and lakes dried up. When the frog realised danger she tried to return the water, but with no result. The animals decided to make Tide-lek laugh to save the situation but their efforts came to naught. Only when the eel No-yang stood upon his tail and started to dance, the frog burst out laughing and in the same time the streams of water spreaded around the world. Unfortunately many animals from lowlands sank during this flood.

Sunday, 10 June 2018

Spring Time

Spring Time edition is series of six illustrations made to honor the waking Nature!

Artworks were made in various techniques (photomontage, digital painting, photobashing) and were published on our social media from 21 march to 2 may.

Follow our facebook to stay tuned :)


Tuesday, 6 February 2018

some artworks

Here are some of our artworks (mixed techniques: digital painting, photomontage)
More you can find on our website:

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

SAKIS sprites

Several sprites from SAKIS - Underworld. Enemies, friends, strangers, treasures and Sakis himself. Sakis travels through four worlds (mountains, plains of sadness, hades, tartarus) to reveal the truth and justice.
Find out more while playing SAKIS - Underworld (free 2D platformer):