Friday, 16 May 2014

weekend time!

There are some moments, when even Chv'ok must take a break;)

Monday, 12 May 2014

Chv'ok is working - SAKIS

Programming, designing...
...and testing "Sakis" :)

Sakis, greek ex-soldier, was leading a peaceful  life of a common shepherd and father of his family. But one day, everything changed...
Find out what happened and help Sakis to fulfill his destiny!

Follow Chv'ok, because soon we are going to release our new project - SAKIS - oldschool, platform game on PC.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

here's Chv'ok!

Hello world!

It's high time for CHV'OK Studio to start blogging about our work.

CHV'OK Studio is a small, but really creative group of people who love games and all sort of art.
We are creating games, concept arts, illustrations and animations as well.

We'll be updating here information about progress in our games' production and some news from life of Chv'ok ;)

So far, it's just a beginnig...